My name is Luca Martinoia, I am a postdoctoral researcher in theoretical physics at the University of Padova in the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPh Lab) since September 2024.
I earned my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in physics from the University of Genova, where I also completed my Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 2024. During the Ph.D., I applied methods from high-energy physics to solve problems in condensed matter and statistical physics. Specifically, my research focused on developing a theory of hydrodynamics, called quasihydrodynamics, which has an enhanced regime of applicability. Finally, I also used this theory to model the transport properties of condensed matter systems such as Weyl semimetals.
More recently, my research interests shifted towards the flocking phase of active matter systems and theoretical neuroscience. In particular, here at LIPh Lab I am working on the response theory for brain network discovery and control in a mean-field approach.