Quantitative Characterization of Biodiversity in Microbiomes: a Statistical Physics Approach

Quantitative Characterization of Biodiversity in Microbiomes: a Statistical Physics Approach

This project is aimed at investigating the processes that shape macrobiomes biodiversity and disentangle the roles played by both ecosystem self-organization processes and endogenous environmental ones. We will use the power of statistical physics and top-down approach of complex system theory to establish in-depth understanding of the fundamental and quantitative principles driving the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity together with massive data analyses of public available datasets.
People: Samir Suweis, Anna Tovo
Collabotaors: M. Cosentino Lagomarsimo, A. Krogh, P. Menzel, P. Fariselli

Funding: SID Grant, University of Padova (2018-2019)

Collaborative LIPh
Collaborative Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics
