

I am a Master’s student of Physics of data. From almost two years of academic study here in University of Padova, I have got background in Statistical mechanics, Models of theoretical physics, Complex systems and Quantitive Life Science courses offered by the Dept. of Physics. I am interested in solving a variety of problems to improve my breadth of knowledge in various fields, which also gives a good learning experience. I would like to understand and model various phenomena with the tools that I have learnt and I am learning. Thus, working on interdisciplinary projects in LiPh is a great learning experience for me.

Currently I am doing internship and thesis in Neuroscience field. For internship, I am working on the “Zebrafish Connectome” dataset under the guidance of Prof. Samir Suweis, Prof. Marco Dal Maschio and Phd students Giorgio Nicoletti, Matteo Bruzzone. And for my thesis I am working on the topic of “Effective Connectivity and Controllability” under the guidance of Prof. Samir Suweis and Prof. Michele Allegra.

Collaborative LIPh
Collaborative Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics
