Silvia Lazzardi

Silvia Lazzardi

My name is Silvia Lazzardi and I recently joined the LIPh Lab as a post-doc researcher. I got my bachelor’s degree at the University of Cagliari, in Physics with a thesis supervised by Mariano Cadoni, focused on the measurement process in Quantum Mechanics. Then I moved to Turin to study Complex Systems, concentrating on neural networks, data analysis, and statistics in my coursework. For my master’s thesis, conducted in collaboration with Addfor S.p.A, I investigated the statistical aspects of the learning process of Convolutional Neural Networks, utilizing GPU and tools provided by the company. Following this, I conducted brief research at UPV (Valencia) within the informatics department, where I explored strategies to enhance the classification performance in identifying misogynistic content. In 2020, I joined the BioPhys group led by Michele Caselle and Matteo Osella at the University of Turin, completing my PhD in “Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine” in 2023. My research have been mainly focused on emergent statistical laws in single-cell transcriptomics, in developing “null models” to differentiate between genes exhibiting expression variability due to stochastic gene expression or sampling effects, and those that may offer intriguing biological insights.

I am about to start working on my post-doc project under the supervision of Prof. Samir Suweis. The project has the primary goal to model species interactions and functional networks in ecological systems, by expliting the integration of computational modeling strategies, experimental data, and theoretical models.

Collaborative LIPh
Collaborative Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics
